Monday, November 5, 2012

7 days

I depart in 7 days.  The week mark is making me see things in America a little different.  Every time I see something I consider very American I wonder how long it will be till I can experience it again. I drove by a Dunkin' Donuts and a Taco Bell today and just couldn't help my self.  What will my life be like with out volcano burritos? I'm not even a big donut guy. They may just be going stale in a box in the corner, but they where there.  So I satisfied my cravings today and felt a little better, then had some indigestion and felt a little worse.

I have all the items I want to bring with me.  Half of them are even packed.  I still have to figure out how the rest are going to fit together.  Every thing I'm going to wear this week I'm taking with me, guess I'll just throw it all on the top.  

Tomorrow is the 2012 presidential election.  I am a big Obama supporter and very into politics.  However, I just can't get into this one like I normally do.  All I can think about is leaving.  How all the parts of my day will be different.  I'm going to miss my fiance.  I don' t know how long it will be till I see her again.  9 weeks at least.  Then when we see each other what will it be like? I know our relationship will be fine, our routine will be different.  

This process has been rife with anxiety, stress, confusion, and curiosity.  My emotions have been all over the place.  I feel very at peace with it all now, I'm more excited and happy than anything, and am really left with one big concern.  I hope the beer is good.